List of API Calls
Here are the currently implemented API calls, by area of functionality.
Note that code examples use the following conventions:
- Statements enclosed in guillemets («|») are optional.
- Text wrapped in "squigly equal" signs (=|=) is placeholder text an needs to be replaced before the code is run.
- Ellipses (...) indicate excluded content, for simplicity's sake.
Search & Lookup
All search & lookup requests submit to our non-secure API URL.
Submit to URL:
HTTP credentials required in header:
{ 'X-BONANZLE-API-DEV-NAME' => "#{ my_developer_account_name }" }
Read more about submitting a non-secure request.
- findItemsByKeywords: Search for Bonanza items with filters for store, newness, and much more
- getBooth: Get all available data for a Bonanza booth
- getBoothItems: Get items of the specified status for a Bonanza booth
- getCategories: Get detailed information for all child categories of a category you pass in
- getCategoryTraits: Get information on the item traits (aka "item specifics") associated with a given category
- getCheckoutLink: Generate a URL to send a user to checkout with one or more items, optionally using the affiliate token for developer
- getSingleItem: Get all available data for a Bonanza item
- getMultipleItems: Get all available for up to 50 Bonanza items
- getUserProfile: Get all available data for a Bonanza user
Account Management, Item Editing
All account management and item addition/editing methods submit to our secure API URL.
Submit to URL:
HTTP credentials required in header:
{ 'X-BONANZLE-API-DEV-NAME' => "#{ my_developer_account_name }", 'X-BONANZLE-API-CERT-NAME' => "#{ my_developer_certification_token }" }
Read more about submitting a secure request.
- addFixedPriceItem: Add an item to a seller's booth.
- completeSale: Add feedback and shipping/tracking info to a completed order.
- endFixedPriceItem: Remove an from a seller's booth.
- fetchToken: Get a user token for authorization, so you can take authenticated actions on behalf of a Bonanza user.
- getBoothStats: Get various per-day statistics for a seller's booth.
- getOrders: Get orders pending, sold and shipped for a buyer or seller.
- getTokenStatus: Get the current status of a user token.
- getUnlistedItem: Get details about an item that hasn't been posted for sale yet.
- getMultipleUnlistedItems: Get details about 50 items that haven't been posted for sale yet.
- getUser: Get details about a user.
- reviseFixedPriceItem: Edit an item in a seller's booth.
- reviseMultipleFixedPriceItems: Edit multiple items within a seller's booth at once.
- updateBooth: Request a seller's booth to be updated, which will activate all "ready for sale" items.
- updateInventory: Update many items' price and quantity in a lightweight endpoint.
Want us to notify you when an event (such as a sold item) happens? We can do that.
Submit to URL:
HTTP credentials required in header:
{ 'X-BONANZLE-API-DEV-NAME' => "#{ my_developer_account_name }", 'X-BONANZLE-API-CERT-NAME' => "#{ my_devleoper_certification_token }" }
Read more about submitting a secure request.
- setNotificationPreferences: Setup which notifications you want to receive.
- getNotificationPreferences: Get information about the notifications you're receiving.
Read and send on-site messages (aka BMail) for authenticated token owners.
Submit to URL:
HTTP credentials required in header:
{ 'X-BONANZLE-API-DEV-NAME' => "#{ my_developer_account_name }", 'X-BONANZLE-API-CERT-NAME' => "#{ my_devleoper_certification_token }" }
Read more about submitting a secure request.
- getMessagesList: Get a list of all messages, grouped into sets of messages that form threads.
- getMessages: Get all messages in a single set of messages that have been grouped into a single thread.
- updateMessage: Set properties for a single existing message.
- createMessage: Send a new message from the authenticated token owner.