ErrorType |
Description |
AccountNotActive |
AccountNotFound |
AccountCannotBeValidated |
BoothIsFull |
BoothNotOnline |
BoothNotActivated |
BoothCannotBeUpdated |
CannotFindBooth |
CannotFindCategory |
CannotFindRequest |
CannotDetermineASingleRequestType |
Cannot determine what type of request you are making. Often this can be the result of data that has not been escaped before being passed to the API. If you are passing data with quotation marks or other special characters, you should translate it to JSON, then escape it, before sending it over the API. |
CannotFindItem |
CannotFindMessage |
CannotFindOffer |
CannotMessageUser |
CannotModifyMessage |
CantFindUser |
CantFindNotification |
ErrorInResponse |
InternalError |
An internal error occurred. We've been notified and will investigate shortly. |
InvalidAuthToken |
InvalidRequestFormat |
The request was not formatted correctly |
InvalidPage |
The specified page number is out of bounds |
ItemAlreadyExists |
You're trying to create an item that looks like a duplicate of one already in your booth, or revise an item so that it looks like a duplicate. Make sure the title isn't the same as an item you already have. Includes the existing item id as itemId. |
ItemNotForSale |
ItemNotAvailableForEdit |
ItemNotEditableByUser |
MissingAuthToken |
MissingAuthTokenForBooth |
MissingBoothId |
MissingCategoryParentInput |
MissingCertId |
MissingMessageId |
MissingMessagesListId |
MissingParams |
MissingTransactionId |
MustProvideEmail |
MaxTokensReached |
NoCategoriesFound |
NoItemsToAddToCart |
NoUserIdProvided |
OfferAcceptFailed |
OfferCantBeAccepted |
OfferCantBeDenied |
OfferDenyFailed |
PrivateAPI |
RequestMustUseSSL |
RequestsThrottled |
Some high transaction requests may be throttled if performed in rapid succession. Please review best practices to avoid throttling. |
TooManyErrors |
This account has reached the maximum number of errors per day. No more requests will be permitted for the rest of the day. |
TooManyRequests |
This account has reached the maximum number of API calls per day. |
TooManyVariationNames |
Returned when creating item variations and entering more that two variation name/value pairs in item.variations.nameValueList. |
TokenCreationError |
TokenNotVerified |
Please see |
UnknownItemStatus |
UnknownParameterGiven |
UserDoesntHaveBooth |
UserInformationIsHiddenByUserRequest |
UserIsntActive |