Introduction to User Tokens

User tokens provide a means by which you can take verified actions on behalf of a Bonanza user. For example, after you have obtained a verified user token, you can add or revise items on behalf of a user, or get information about items from that user that may not yet be visible to the general public.

How it Works

You request a user token through a secure API call, which returns a URL to which you will send a user. Once the user has visited this URL and verified that they want you to have access to their account, you submit the token along with your secure API requests so that we know you are acting on behalf of a Bonanza user.

Getting a Token

For more details on fetching a token, see your fetchToken API call.

Submitting the Token

Any API call that requires a user token will assume that you are going to provide the token in a requesterCredentials input object.

Argument Type Occurrence Meaning
requesterCredentials Container Required Container for user credentials
requesterCredentials .bonanzleAuthToken string Required The verified user token for the user who you are acting on behalf of.

So, for example, to add an item, your JSON input object would look something like:

{ "addFixedPriceItemRequest" => { "requesterCredentials" => { "bonanzleAuthToken" => "joe_blows_token" }, ... }

We could then deduce, from the bonanzleAuthToken, that you want to add the created item to "joe blows'" booth.

Token Expiration

Tokens expire either a year after you receive them, or when the user chooses to deactivate the token from their Bonanza account panel.