
Filter Type Meaning
availableTo string The country code the seller ships to.
boothName string The name of the booth.
excludeSeller int A boothId to exclude from the search.
featuredOnly int User's membershipLevel.
feedbackScoreMin int The seller's minimum feedback score.
localPickupOnly boolean Whether or not the seller permits local pickup only.
maxPrice int The maximum price for the item.
minPrice int The minimum price for the item.
recentlyListed boolean Whether or not the item it was recently listed.
searchDescription boolean Whether or not to search in the item's description.
seller int The seller's booth's id.
shipsFrom string The two-letter code of the country that the item ships from, e.g. "US", "CA", "GB"
sku string The item's SKU
storeName string The name of the seller's booth.