Burn Widget (Javascript)

This example demonstrates all of the use cases of the Burn Widget plugin.

For detailed information about the full functionality of the Burn Widget, review the Burn Widget UI Reference.

Click here to see a working demo of the code below.

  <!-- Set the viewport width for mobile devices to take advantage of the mobile editor -->
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0">

  <script src='//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js'></script>
  <script src='//bonanzapublic.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/burn_bundle.js'></script>

  <!-- Instantiate burn widget -->
  <script type='text/javascript'>
    var burnWidget = new BONZ.BurnWidget({
      apiKey: 'my Bonanza API developer id',
      userId: 'uniqueId', // A unique id that identifies this user within *your* application
      callback: 'http://requestb.in/1h0v3ci1', // A URL within *your* application that we should POST to when the burn is complete, or when the final mask is selected or changed.
      onIndex: function(jsonResponse) {
        // Callback to be triggered when requesting all burns for this user
      onShow: function(imageSelector, jsonResponse) {
        // Callback to be triggered after the show/edit burn is popped up
      onCreate: function(imageSelector, jsonResponse) {
        // Callback to be triggered after a burn is queued/created.
        // We recommend adding your own functionality to save the id and user_id the returned in jsonResponse
      onSave: function(imageSelector, jsonResponse) {
        // Callback to be triggered after the user selects a final mask
        // We recommend adding your own functionality to save the final_result_url the returned in jsonResponse
        $(imageSelector).attr('src', jsonResponse.final_result_url);
      onError: function(type, message) {
        // Callback to be triggered if the API action raises an exception

    function burnImage() {
      // Queues a new burn from the src of the image element
      burnWidget.launch({ image: $('#image1') });
    function burnURL(el) {
      // Queues a new burn from a URL
      burnWidget.launch({ url: el.href });
    function showBurnByID(id) {
      // Shows the progress of the background burn with the specified id.
      burnWidget.launch({ id: id });
    function showBurnByImage() {
      // Gets the id of the background burn from the data-id attribute,
      // and shows the progress of the burn.
      burnWidget.launch({ image: $('#image2') });

    function viewBurns() {
      // Gets all in progress/complete burns for the user identified
      // by the userId parameter when instantiating a new BONZ.BurnWidget.
  <h2>Queue a burn using the <tt>src</tt> attribute of an <tt>img</tt> element.</h2>
  <img id='image1' src='http://url.to.my/image/to/burn' />
  <p><a href='#' onclick='burnImage(); return false;'>Burn image</a></p>
  <h2>Queue a burn from a remote URL</h2>
  <p><a href='http://url.to.my/image/to/burn' onclick='burnURL(this); return false;'>Burn URL</a></p>
  <h2>View the progress/edit a previously queued image</h2>
  <p>This example shows the progress of the Background Burn with the ID of 1</p>
  <p><a href='#' onclick='showBurnByID(1); return false;'>Show burn by ID</a></p>
  <p>This example shows the progress of the Background Burn with the ID of 2</p>
  <img id='image2' src='http://url.to.my/image/to/burn' data-id='2' />
  <p><a href='#' onclick='showBurnByImage(); return false;'>Show burn by image</a></p>
  <h2>View all burns for a specific user</h2>
  <p><a href='#' onclick='viewBurns(); return false;'>View all burns</a>.</p>